
With expertise in trade with Arab countries, the Arab Brazilian Chamber conducts studies, research, surveys, and workshops to guide your company in the Brazilian market.

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    Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, helping
    your company to grow and expand into new markets

    What is International Consulting?

    With a research and analysis team focused on market intelligence and international relations, the Arab Brazilian Chamber’s Consulting can help your company conquer the Brazilian market.


    Benefits of the Arab Brazilian Chamber’s Consulting

    If your company wants to enter the Arab market, International Consulting is the way to start going international. An investment to create more business and revenue.

    Tailored service and detailed follow-up

    Holistic view of your business needs

    Specialized consultants and experts in each area

    Customized and strategy-oriented work

    Consultancy according to your
    company’s export maturity

    1. Customized Consulting

    We are prepared to meet all your company’s demands regarding the Brazilian and Arab markets, and commercial needs to expand your business internationally.

    2. Consulting for Non-Exporting Companies

    To export to Arab countries as well as import to Brazil, your company needs to consider the wide range of the Brazilian market and use market data in its decision-making process.

    Market report

    A standardized study seeking to present foreign trade information on up to three products. It may also identify the leading supplying nations to the Arab countries and how Brazil ranks among them.

    Priority Markets

    A standardized study aimed to find three top Brazilian destinations for international products based on a combination of foreign trade data and socioeconomic indicators.

    Price Formation

    A customized study aimed to assist future exporters to set export prices based on trade information from buyers and domestic and international competitors.

    3. Customs Regulation

    A study featuring information on customs tariffs, import requirements for up to three products in three selected Arab countries, and a survey on the required documents and certificates.

    Tariff details in the importing country

    Certification of export documents

    Adaptation to foreign trade operations

    Study presented in English

    4. Consulting for Companies that Export but
    Not to Brazil

    For companies that already have an export culture but haven’t operated in Brazil yet, the Arab Brazilian Chamber can assist in the process of understanding the market and adapting the products to export to Brazil.

    Distribution Channels

    A customized study examining the leading channels of distribution and sales of products to customers in Brazil, highlighting the best ones among retail, e-commerce, emporiums, etc.

    Packaging and Labeling

    A customized study on the best practices for packaging and labeling products in Brazil. This survey aims to make the product adequate and attractive to Brazilian consumer habits.

    Competition Analysis

    A customized study examining competitor companies, their products, market actions and prices for international firms to be able to devise their internationalization strategies.

    List of Importers

    A customized study providing a cold list of importers of certain products in Brazil aimed to facilitate the establishment of trade relations.

    5. On-Site Business Schedule > Trade Mission

    A highly customizable consulting for an on-site immersion in the target market. It aims to make connections with major stakeholders (companies, associations, governments, etc.), technical visits, B2Bs, events, and delegation training as per the goals and needs of each requester.

    Technical visit to a significant player in the target market to get to know products or services provided to local consumers.

    Meeting with private stakeholders in order to better understand business synergies and opportunities between the parties.

    Meeting with public stakeholders to understand the unique features of the market and facilities provided by the government, as well as connecting with local officials.

    6. Crosscutting consulting

    To boost the ABCC service to your company, we hold immersion and warm-up workshops as well as studies on the country of choice and business sector of your products.


    A consulting that provides an immersion and warm-up lecture to connect to both the Arab and Brazilian market. Training sessions are offered on how to negotiate with Brazilians, business environments, and opportunities related to the sector and action being developed.

    Country Profile

    A study developed to give an overview of Brazil. This profile includes a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis and information on demographics, economy, society, environment, trade, and tourism.

    Sector Profile

    A study developed to bring information on a productive sector in particular in Brazil. This profile includes a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis on the sector in Brazil, as well as an overview of market trends, new technologies used, and opportunities for international companies.

    7. International Matchmaking

    A consulting to put your company in touch with potential business partners by facilitating meetings with executives and businesspeople from Brazil and the Arab countries.

    Holding meetings with qualified contacts

    Meeting your company’s needs

    Higher probability of closing deals

    Discounts for Arab Brazilian Chamber members